セリフ暗記 Supergirl s1e3 #4



Supergirl season1 episode3より


cat: So, why are we just hearing from you now?

s: I'm not sure I understand the question.

cat: Well, if you've been on Earth for years, why wait this long to start giving back?

Where were you during the earthquake two years ago?

Or the wildfires last September that killed eight people?

s: This is not a job I take lightly.

I had to be ready.

cat: Any plans to start a family?

s: Nobody ever asks my cousin these questions.

cat: Superman is your cousin?

s: This interview is over.

cat: Well, what do you do all day when you're not flying around town?

Do you have a day job?


  • I'm not sure I understand the question.  *I'm not sure 確信がもてない これは日常会話で頻繁に使えそうです。日本語訳は「質問の意図がわからないわ」。
  • this long  こんなに長く *thisは副詞もあるんですね!
  • giving back     返す、恩返し
  • lightly  軽率に
  • start a family  家族を築く、子供をもうける
  • ever  *この単語も使い方とか場所とか難しいですよね。基本的な意味は(at any timeどの時でも)。





